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Wecasa Insurance - How to claim
Mélissa Faure avatar
Written by Mélissa Faure
Updated over 2 months ago

During a home service session, damage can sometimes occur. Here you will find all the information you need on what to do in this type of situation.

If any damage occurs during your Wecasa session, you have 3 days after your session to report it to us.

Good to know: Wecasa is a platform that puts independent professionals in contact with customers. In the event of a claim, the legal responsibility lies with the professional who carried out the work on your property. Wecasa is not contractually liable for any damage caused by a contractor.

However, in order to facilitate the settlement of claims for customers and professionals, Wecasa offers claims assitance, the terms of which are set out below.

What is a claim?

A claim is any breakage or damage to an item that occurs during the work carried out by your Wecasa professional, excluding normal wear and tear.

How do I report a claim and what are the deadlines?

You can only make a claim by completing the following form:

Please note: this is the only way to report a claim. If you contact Customer Services by telephone, email or chat, you will not receive a reply.

  • Deadline for making a claim: 3 days

    You have 3 days following the Wecasa session to file a claim. After this time, your claim cannot be processed.

  • Deadline for submitting the documents required to examine your claim: 1 month

    Once you have declared your claim, you must provide us with all the documents requested within 1 month. After this deadline, your claim will be closed without compensation.

  • Deadline for sending the invoice for the repairs or replacement: 3 months.

    The final settlement of your claim will be paid on presentation of the invoice for the repair or repurchase of the property that suffered the damage.

    This invoice must be sent to us within 3 months.

Documents required to examine your case

  • Detailed statement

  • Photos of your damage

  • Original invoice or quotation for an equivalent item

  • Certificate of irreparability from a professional (in the case of damage to equipment inherent to your home, e.g. damage to a shutter or window)

Damage assessment

The invoice

In all cases, an invoice for the purchase of the item in question will be required, or, if necessary, an estimate for the replacement of an equivalent item, in order to assess the amount of the damage.

Your claim cannot be processed without a document enabling us to establish the value of your property.

The depreciation clause

Depreciation represents the loss in value of an item as a result of its age and wear and tear.

For example, depreciation will be applied to household goods (including electrical appliances) at a rate of 10% per year, up to a maximum of 50%.

If there is no purchase invoice, a flat-rate depreciation discount of 50% of the estimated value of an equivalent item will be applied.

Example: your hoover bought in 2020 (4 years ago) for £500 was broken in 2024. A discount for obsolescence of 40% (4 years x 10%) will be applied, giving you an estimated loss of £300 (£500 - 40%).

Compensation and reparation

An excess of £200 applies to all claims.

  • If your claim is less than £200: no compensation can be offered by Wecasa.

  • If your claim exceeds £200: the excess will be deducted from the amount of your compensation (including obsolescence).

    For any compensation, the first £150 will be reimbursed to you in the form of a Purchase Voucher, valid for 1 year, on all Wecasa services.

Example: for your damage estimated at £600 after applying the obsolescence, the excess of £200 is applicable, the amount compensated is therefore £600 - £200 = £400, and the Wecasa Insurance will offer you the following solution:

- £150 in vouchers

- £250 paid into your bank account

The full amount of the compensation will be paid to you on presentation of the purchase invoice for the item replacing the damaged item.

This purchase invoice must be sent to Wecasa Insurance within 3 months of the date of your claim.

  • Your claim is for more than £1,000: Wecasa will forward your file to the insurer Hiscox, who alone decides whether or not to accept the claim. If the claim is accepted, you will receive the compensation directly from them. Wecasa will pay the part under £1000 according to the conditions indicated above (the excess of £200 will be deducted from the amount of your compensation, including obsolescence, and the first £150 will be reimbursed to you in the form of vouchers).

Limitations and exclusions

Your claim will not be accepted in the following cases:

  • your damage is less than £200 (excess),

  • you do not have the original invoice and cannot provide an estimate for a good equivalent to the damaged good to enable Wecasa Insurance to assess the damage,

  • declarations to the contrary: the professional who carried out the work on your property does not acknowledge that he caused the damage; in this case, it is up to you to provide proof to the contrary.

Note: the insurance offered here is taken out at 100% by Wecasa, with no financial impact for professionals. There is therefore no reason for them to deny the damage.

The Wecasa guarantee does not cover

  • theft: in the event of a suspicion of theft, it is your responsibility to report the suspicion to Wecasa Customer Service and then lodge a complaint with the police station. All the contact details of the professional who carried out the work on your premises are given on the invoice for your session.

  • works of art

  • scratched or stained surfaces that do not prevent the item from being used.

What to do if you are not satisfied with the solution offered by Wecasa Insurance

If you wish to inform us of a disagreement, we invite you to complete the contest form by clicking on the link at the bottom of the email you received earlier.

If necessary, you can

  • settle the dispute directly with the professional who worked on your property

Wecasa is a platform that puts independent professionals in touch with customers. In the event of a claim, your professional is liable.

If you are not completely satisfied with the solution offered by the Wecasa Insurance, you can contact the professional to settle the dispute.

  • use mediation

If a dispute remains unresolved Users can contact London Arbitration Centre which is authorised by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute as a certified alternative dispute resolution provider.

Grid of charges

This reimbursement scale is provided for information only.

In all cases, an excess of £200 applies.

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